IT Field Services | International Recruiter in Nigeria

IT Field Services

No more operational bumps so that you can focus on your core business.

Our range of field maintenance services and support includes greenfield deployment, Installs, Moves, Adds and Changes (IMAC) services, lifecycle service program with offsite and onsite support and technical help desk to support, maintain and enhance your product or platform.

Why Avant Technologies

We provide turnkey IT field support services across all industries. It ascertains high quality and agile services throughout the entire IT infrastructure, right from procurement to post-deployment and configuration. Through our seamless coordination across strategy, implementation, and management of technology programs as well as cross-technology expertise, we ensure technical downtime is a bare minimum.

One touchpoint

No need to fly your in-house IT staff to remote locations. Our global technical support centre is your point of contact that provides 24×7 and all-year-round services.

Flexible maintenance plans

We reduce the complications of global IT support by offering flexible maintenance plans that are customized to your specific needs.


We too scale with your needs. Our robust screening and vetting process ensures that we have qualified technicians to work and implement projects across thousands of locations.

Delivering ROI for our clients

Learn how we have addressed the varying needs of our clients under different scenarios and in a variety of industries.

Ready to talk about your IT Field Services needs?

Whatever are your needs, we ensure to help you with the right solutions.