Statement of Work (SOW) | International Recruiter in Nigeria

Statement of Work (SOW)

For an agile, scalable and cost-effective workforce, capable to deliver change rapidly.

Leveraging Statement of Work (SOW) enables you to tap into specialized talent capable of creating essential assets and intellectual property. This approach empowers you to swiftly adapt to evolving market dynamics while maximizing returns on investments.

Why Avant Tech

After a thorough review of your SOW capabilities, we help you to develop and support processes associated with each stage of SOW engagement. We create a structured procedure focusing on deliverables and outcomes to give you visibility and consistency with your SOW engagements.

Taking control of your contingent workforce

As a managed service provider undertaking SOW engagement, we take control of integrating SOW contractors into the rest of the workforce. We look after the expenses, compliance risks and performance issues while assisting in sourcing and contracting to support your existing team.

Complete SOW management services

We develop and manage a process taking into account right from sourcing and procurement, deliverables, invoicing and payments. We ensure that full SOW lifecycle engagements are efficient and cost-effective. Under SOW management services, you get visibility on all your SOW spends, cost management, tracking the overall deliverables, reporting and analytics.

Delivering ROI for our clients

Learn how we have addressed the varying needs of our clients under different scenarios and in a variety of industries.

Ready to talk about your Statement of Work (SOW) needs?

Whatever are your needs, we ensure to help you with the right solutions.